An Amazing Rest!

It has been such an amazing summer so far. This past May, I made the difficult decision to leave the study abroad program where I was teaching. This of course, meant that Katie and I would have a longer time in the USA. Every summer for the past five years, I’ve had only 4-5 weeks each summer. This year, we had ten weeks. To say that it has been great is an understatement.

We have been able to spend some great time with the family and recharge our batteries before we go back. We have had a blast talking to friends.

One thing that really replenishes my soul is being able to spend time in nature. We were able to spend quite a bit of time in parks and forest preserves. We were able to see some amazing creatures. We did some hiking, and saw some beautiful plants. We also spent time sitting near the water taking in the grandeur of what many people so often take for granted. Living in a large urban area, we really appreciate the pleasure of natural environments.

It’s been a great school year, but also a difficult one. The ten weeks that we have in the US have been so uplifting and refreshing. I know that God has used it to prepare us both for the year ahead. There are many uncertainties about this next year, but we know that God knows what He is doing. We trust His plan and His provision. Get ready year 8; here we come!

“The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep.”
-Robert Frost


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