Time Flies Before My Eyes
It seems that some promises die hard. I said that I would try to be better about keeping my blog updated, but it seems that I’ve been worse about it. Well, it’s been a crazy few months.
My eye is continuing to improve. There have been a lot of complications along the way. First, my condition was misdiagnosed. The doctor told me that I had viral conjunctivitis, but I really had viral kerititis (which is a problem with the cornea). I was also allergic to one of the eye drops that he prescribed. It got to the point where my eye was the color of blood, and I couldn’t even open it. I got really frustrated. I ended up going to a specialist in Shanghai, and he figured out the problem. He told me to discontinue the medication. As soon as I stopped taking the drop that I was allergic to, it started to clear up. He was then able to see the real problem. The virus was creating small holes in my cornea. He prescribed another anti-viral drop which eliminated the virus. However, the damage remains. It can take up to five more months for my cornea to repair itself. Right now, the vision in my left eye is a little blurry, and it sometimes gives me headaches. It is getting a little better, but it will take some time to completely recover.
Life has more or less, returned to normal. I am very happy to be back teaching again. I really missed my students. They were very happy to be able to come to visit me again.
I’ve also been spending a lot of time with friends. I’ve really been making up for those three weeks that I was quarantined.
I’m also looking forward to seeing my friend Amanda. She’ll be coming down to Changzhou to visit next week. I was just thinking the other day that I haven’t seen her in over two years. It’s really caused me to start thinking how fast time has been flying. The school year is almost over, and I’ll be home in a few months. Last week I was talking to a friend back home who is several years older that me; he told me that time really starts to go fast the older you get. Well, I refuse to get older. I might be 32 on the outside, but I’m still around 11 on the inside.
Talk to you later.
Stay young!
“Second star to the right and straight on ‘til morning.”
-Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie
My eye is continuing to improve. There have been a lot of complications along the way. First, my condition was misdiagnosed. The doctor told me that I had viral conjunctivitis, but I really had viral kerititis (which is a problem with the cornea). I was also allergic to one of the eye drops that he prescribed. It got to the point where my eye was the color of blood, and I couldn’t even open it. I got really frustrated. I ended up going to a specialist in Shanghai, and he figured out the problem. He told me to discontinue the medication. As soon as I stopped taking the drop that I was allergic to, it started to clear up. He was then able to see the real problem. The virus was creating small holes in my cornea. He prescribed another anti-viral drop which eliminated the virus. However, the damage remains. It can take up to five more months for my cornea to repair itself. Right now, the vision in my left eye is a little blurry, and it sometimes gives me headaches. It is getting a little better, but it will take some time to completely recover.
Life has more or less, returned to normal. I am very happy to be back teaching again. I really missed my students. They were very happy to be able to come to visit me again.
I’m also looking forward to seeing my friend Amanda. She’ll be coming down to Changzhou to visit next week. I was just thinking the other day that I haven’t seen her in over two years. It’s really caused me to start thinking how fast time has been flying. The school year is almost over, and I’ll be home in a few months. Last week I was talking to a friend back home who is several years older that me; he told me that time really starts to go fast the older you get. Well, I refuse to get older. I might be 32 on the outside, but I’m still around 11 on the inside.
Talk to you later.
Stay young!
“Second star to the right and straight on ‘til morning.”
-Peter Pan by J. M. Barrie