Christmas Parties

This weekend was the Christmas Party Weekend! It was incredible! I never expected to have such an amazing weekend. I had two different Christmas Parties. The first one was on Saturday night; this party was for teachers and friends. Sunday afternoon I had a party for my students. There was a lot of preparation involved, but we had a great time.

Saturday night I was expecting about 40-50 people, but at least 70 people showed up. Most of them were my friends from various universities. We also had people from Germany and England. It was quite the international exchange. The party was a flurry of activity. People were talking, playing games, singing, taking pictures, exchanging gifts, and hugging. I was running around trying to talk to everyone in addition to trying to keep the food levels up. The party started at six, but at nine everyone left so they could catch their buses home. Three of my friends stayed, and we talked for a few more hours. It was so much fun.

I went to bed, and slept like dead person, but then I was up early the next morning to buy more candy and food for the student party. The student party started around 11:30am. I would guess that about four or five hundred students showed up. My apartment was so crowded. It was like a small invasion. The food that I had prepared vanished within the first twenty minutes. I spent the time talking to students and taking pictures. I had such a great time. I saw so many of my students from last year, as well as students that I currently teach.

I was able to share the Christmas Story with many of them. This weekend was amazing. I’ll remember it for a long time. Now I just have to finish cleaning my apartment. That is going to take a long time. Oh well, it was so worth it!

"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love."

Hamilton Wright Mabie


Sara said…
Hi, Eric!

So glad to find you here! Hope all is well in China and look forward to keeping in touch this way.

Hope you had a Merry Christmas!


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