The Long Walk Back to "Normal"

Worldwide cases of the COVID-19 virus are skyrocketing. Every day, I get up and look at the numbers, and I am continually shocked. At the current rate of progression, there will be over a half a million cases by the end of March. As the rest of the world is declaring lockdowns and other preventative measures, China is beginning to release them. Every day, I hear more and more car horns outside as more people are returning to work. Stores and restaurants are opening. A few days ago, I ventured out to get my hair cut… finally, after almost three months. Many people are still wearing masks and gloves though, despite assertions that there is no longer any danger. I also just received word this weekend that I’ll begin teaching again on April 7 th . Junior and senior high schools will resume then, and primary schools will resume a week or two after that. My school has been preparing by setting up temperature check stations and examination and quarantine areas. With over three thousa...