Another Visit that Went Far Too Quickly...

Just recently, Katie and I made the trip to Rockford yet again. It was wonderful to see our friends and family, but it felt really rushed because we were only there for two weeks. Two weeks just isn’t long enough to catch up with everyone and spend time with the folks. We will truly miss them. Anytime I go back and forth, I always think about the things that one place has and the other doesn’t. This time, I was struck again by the amazing state parks that Illinois has. We visited Starved Rock State Park and Rock Cut State Park. It was great to be out in nature. Parks like this just don’t exist near where we live in China. I do love seeing the different species of birds too. Here are some of the shots that we got this time. Northern Flicker Northern Cardinal American Goldfinch Ruby-Throated Hummingbird Well, we are off back to China. This promises to be another challenging year of growth, but we know that it will be a great one too. “Why do you...