Greed Burns Souls

The past few days have kind of been a bit tough. On Monday, Katie and I decided to head into Shanghai to spend the day together. We had also planned to go to the Thailand Consulate so that Katie could get her visa for our Thailand trip that we are going to be taking in a few weeks. We went to the office and found that they were closed. Even though there website indicated that they were open, there was a notice posted on the door that said they were closed for three days. So, we decided to make the most of being in Shanghai. We went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and did some shopping. Throughout the day, I was sending messages to some friends that I had not seen in a long time. They are musicians from the Philippines that have been working in China for several years. They started telling me about how their manager had really taken advantage of them. He takes part of their pay in exchange for setting up gigs and taking care of their visas and other paperwork. How...